
Make Your Face Smooth Overnight With This 6 Tricks  
By Everest,

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 It can seem really difficult to find ways to clear up our skin when we're in the middle of a blemish attack. Honestly, skincare can be extremely annoying sometimes. This is even truer when our skin seems to be continually acting up. Of course, this bad behavior on our skin's part seems to always happen when we have a big date, or a wedding to attend, or a big bash to host. It's like our skin just knows. How many times have we begged and prayed for an overnight solution? Well, it's easier than one might imagine.

I suffered from bad acne and rough facial skin for several months and it was frustrating and i know many teenagers and youth who are also facing this challenges how frustrating it is. I took a lot of medications from tablets (Deoxycycline) to face cleanser and creams but it was to no avail. i wake up every morning seeing another fresh pimple on my face and i am like when will this end.

 I remember buying a cream that cost me N3000 at Lagos island and guess what? it didn't work, money that i would have used to buy sharwarma and ice cream to refresh my life. but after trying some things i can share with you some secrets that can make your face smooth overnight once more.
  1. Always wash your face before bed time: 

If you are the type that has an oily face or put on heavy make ups and always jump to bed without bathing or washing  your face with mild soap you are likely have clogged pores on your face which makes it hard for your face to breath therefore those oils form pores that develop into pimples. Not only is washing your face before bed beneficial for fighting acne, according to Marco Medrano, Beauty & Grooming Editor at, it can also keep your skin looking younger.

      2.  Apply the right moisturizer:
like i said earlier i tried a lot of cream that made things even worse or static. if you have an oil face get a moiturizer that aligns to your skin type. However, dermatologists agree — moisturizer is key to vibrant skin. It can make your skin softer and more elastic, and will help with necessary hydration, ultimately helping to prevent and diminish breakouts. Oh, and make sure you choose a moisturizer that aligns to your skin type.

      3. Use oatmeal face mask or baking soda:

Quaker oat is delicious and nutritious, food lovers like me can testify, but aside eating of oats it plays a very important role in face masking. oatmeal face masking are simple and effective. make a simple oatmeal without adding anything, let it cool to room temperature, once its cool apply to your face and leave it for about 15 minutes to dry off, then rinse with warm water. If you have baking soda readily available, mix it with water until it creates a paste, and cover your entire face with it. Once it dries, rinse it off with warm water.

     4. Take advantage of Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera has a lot of  health benefit both when taken as medicine or used facially. Aloe Vera is great for squashing acne. Aloe Vera has an anti-bacteria and anti-inflammatory effect, making it awesome to clear pimples and clear acne scars. Add a bit of Aloe Vera to your blemishes and leave it on for about an hour. Then wash it off with warm water, and you should see noticeable results.

    5. Make use of tooth paste:

some one might ask, toothpaste? yes, toothpaste, it helps to reduce redness and inflammation due to it menthol. do not use gel tooth paste like close up or the rest, use a non gel tooth paste like Colgate, or other white colored tooth paste. Apply to spot before going to sleep, Keep it on overnight, and wash it off when you wake up before washing your face. While the blemish might not disappear completely, you should notice its appearance has shrunk, and you'll notice less redness. 

    6. Do not pick or pop pimple no matter how tempting:
Have a few pimples that are really bugging you, and you want them gone ASAP? Well, popping and picking at them will not help your cause. from research popping your pimples actually causes inflammation and scar and can also cause more acne. instead of popping you can try the oatmeal masking or toothpaste to reduce inflammation and dry it up faster. 

By doing these tricks above you are sure to have a clear skin and look younger. Remember to continue to treat your skin right regularly, as well, to ensure less frequent and less serious breakouts — and to keep your skin looking young and fresh. if you still notice there is no positive result after trying this tricks, check what you eat, reduce your oil intake, check what you apply on you face be it cream, foundations and so on, also you can visit the doctor to check your toxin level, if there are toxins in your blood it might react facially as severe acne that always seems to have no end.

            for more health tips follow us to know more.

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